Handbags have become the most popular accessory on the market and there’s no reason to wonder why. There are so many styles and trends to choose from that it’s hard for a woman to choose just one handbag. Each outfit calls for a different type of handbag so it’s hard to distinguish which types are most popular. In order to help you determine which types of handbags are in style right now, I have compiled a list of the top five most often carried handbags. You do not have to choose one of these as the type of handbag you’re going to carry but use this as a guideline illustrating which are in fashion at the moment:
1. Shoulder Bag
2. Handheld Handbag
3. Back Pack
4. Tote Bag
5. Clutch
The handbag you choose will depend on your style and your personal preference. As a woman you will probably feel the need to change the style of handbag you carry on a regular basis. The style of handbag differs each day depending on where you are going and which type would be best suited for the occasion. Have fun with your handbag and let your personality show through the style you choose.
Cathy Feldman is an avid purse enthusiast who has more handbags than she can count. She has become complete addicted to name brand bags and enjoys sharing her knowledge as a contributing editor of http://www.designerhandbags101.com - a site that offers information about designer handbags, prada handbags, coach handbags and more.
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